GREAT with Purpose
The GREAT with Purpose Toolkit is inspired by the Waste Authority's, Be a GREAT Sort campaign and supports the development of waste wise practices in your context.
The original project was made possible via the Waste Authority's Community Education grant scheme in 2021/2022.
The Toolkit is a result of a research project to discover people's understanding of the Be a GREAT Sort campaign, the good things everyone people already do, and what resources can help people to 'Build on the good towards the better and the best.' Between March and June 2022,ReMida hosted a series of information and maker sessions in Perth, Albany and Bunbury to engage with the community around these ideas. Alongside these sessions, we spoke with our industry networks, educators and, well, anyone who would stop and talk to us really. ​The result was a body of data that informed the creation of the GREAT with Purpose Toolkit, a practical resource for anyone wanting to become a waste champion.​
A core aim of the project was to create something that continued beyond the initial period of funding.
Thia page is the new home for the GREAT with Purpose Toolkit and provides ongoing ideas, support and encouragement and resources for current and aspiring waste champions.